Çerez Örnek


Maritime Transportation and Management Program

Description of the Program:

Turkey has shown 400% improvement in maritime transport in the last 6 years and the shipping industry has gained momentum. When we look at the distribution of gross tonnage in Turkish Marine fleet in 2011, the vessels between 150-6000 GT are represented in 70% of the total fleet. In the sector there is staff deficit in the deck officer who works in these tonnage range vessels. Qualified officers which is one of the important components of this sector, requirement is increasing day by day. For this purpose, Ege University, Urla Maritime Vocational School, Maritime Transportation and Management Program started education with the quota of 20 students in 2013-2014 academic years and the quota have reached to 55 students in 2017. Education and training activities are carried out jointly with the scope of corporation protocol with Dokuz Eylül University, Maritime Faculty at the subject of lecturers and training materials. The working about the competences of our students continue with The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. After completion the competency subject, our graduates of Maritime Transportation and Management Program, is entitled to take the examination of “Watchkeeping officer” after completing one year sea training according to the regulation of Seaman Regulation.


Program Profile:

Students take courses on basic physics and chemistry courses, seamanship, navigation, safety and survival techniques at sea, ship manoeuver and communication at sea. Simulator-supported trainings, pool and sea trainings are completed with application-oriented training.


Educational Application and Program Facilities:



During the course of their education, our students benefit from the bridge navigation simulator, navigation laboratory, communication (GMDSS) simulator, seamanship laboratory, fire training center, life saving appliances center, safety and security at sea laboratory, meteorology laboratory, basic first aid and medical care laboratory. Our program has been audited and qualified by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.




Ege Üniversitesi